Monday, March 14, 2016

A curse or a stroke of luck.

The world is dotted by crazy people. Out of control.  But some how. Some way. They find ways to survive. Outside of institutions. Outside of places where they could receive help. Makes me wonder how they do it. Of course, I know. Pure luck.  They go ignored. They sink or swim. And it’s pure chance that some of them survive. My friend Julie. The alcoholic and depression-riddled one. Is a prime example. Oh, we don’t totally ignore Julie. We see her crazy antics. Virtually every day. We notice. And we put up with it. Because we are uncertain if Julie qualifies as certifiably crazy. Maybe not, technically speaking. Some of the gurus that determine such stuff. Well, they claim that Julie has a right to be free and loose crazy. As long as she’s not a threat to others. Actually, she is a threat. Every time she drives drunk. But she hasn’t been caught. Yet. Yes, more proof. That Julie survives. With maybe a divine assist. Often called pure luck. But I’m suggesting. That, in reality. Julie is a lucky son of a gun.  Because she hasn’t been arrested for drunk driving.  Hasn’t yet killed herself, or anyone else.  Please tell me. Is that a curse or a stroke of luck? --Jim Broede

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