Thursday, March 24, 2016

Give me a not too serious life.

When I’m alone. I take advantage of the situation. By having conversations. With myself. Often, I’m impressed. By what I have to say. Pretty honest stuff, really. Because there’s no one around to eavesdrop. Yes, a private setting. Helps me speak the truth. Without offending anyone. Other than me. And that’s all right. I’m capable of handling the brutal truth. I have a tendency to offend other people.  Because they can’t always handle the truth, especially if it’s brutal. I’m reluctant to share the truth with some of my friends. They’d not be able to take it. In proper stride. They might even break off the friendship. My very best friends, however, are resilient and  thick-skinned. And they have been blessed with senses of humor. Knowing not to take life too seriously. Especially if they want to be happy.--Jim Broede

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