Wednesday, March 2, 2016

In life's many compelling scenarios.

One of the nicest things about life. It’s entertaining. Sure, there are dull moments.  But overall, life is a little like a stage play.  Lots of stuff going on. I spend much of my time. In the audience.  Watching plots and subplots. Laughing most of the time. Occasionally, crying. Can’t get through life without moments of sadness. But hey, when I feel like it. There I am. On stage. Playing a big role.  Taking charge.  Steering the drama. In the direction  I want it to go. In a happy-go-lucky way. I’ve thought. About becoming director of life’s stage play. But that’s too big of a responsibility. Instead, better to settle for being a mere actor. One of many players. Capable of playing big roles in life’s many compelling  (and entertaining) scenarios. --Jim Broede

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