Saturday, July 16, 2016

Always with us.

I wonder. If one has to learn to live with terrorism. Because acts of terror are part of human nature. Sad. Sad. If that’s true.  Murder has always been a part of us. Maybe the act can be controlled. To some degree. But it’ll never be eliminated.  War, for instance, is a form of murder.  Societal-sanctioned murder. Of countless innocents. Merely for the heck of it. Apparently, we have learned to live with war. And what can be more terrifying than  bloody war? The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Maybe those were the most flagrant acts of terror ever. But they accomplished a goal. Of winning a war. Think of it. Those two acts of terror. Killed more people in two swoops than the thousands individual acts of terror in recent times.  Yes, makes me lament. That terror will always be with us. --Jim Broede 

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