Thursday, September 15, 2016

A foundation of lies.

I want the facts. Nothing but the facts. But I seldom get the facts. Because there are so many different versions of the facts. We live in a time of outright lies. One after another. Makes for confusion. And a distortion of the facts.  Take the presidential election, for instance. Hard to differentiate between fact and fiction. There are thousands of versions of the truth. Of what’s really going on. Everything is distorted. We have media outlets. In the business. Of telling lies. But they avoid calling a politician a ‘liar.’ Because that would be deemed in bad taste. And a biased way of presenting the news. So it’s called ‘stretching the truth.’  No longer do we present the news in an objective and unbiased manner. Because politicians don’t speak in objective and unbiased ways. Lies, lies, endless lies. We know they are lies. But we don’t know the truth. That’s the problem. Everything seems to be built on a foundation of lies. --Jim Broede

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