Thursday, November 10, 2016

Life. As I know and make it.

I wonder. If my wisest move. Would be to shut myself off. And become a recluse.  By crawling into my cocoon. Living like a monk. In my monastery.  Creating my own world. Listening to classical music.  Reading novels. But no newspapers. No television. No Internet. Oh, I would still maintain contact. With several select friends. And my Italian amore. I’d furnish. And maintain my cocoon. I’d eat and dine well. I’d venture into the outdoors.  And I’d let my imagination take me on trips. To remote places in the cosmos. Where I’d have conversations. With the spirits. Maybe even the creator. If there is one. Doesn’t really matter.  I could still be happy. And in love. With life. As I know and make it. --Jim Broede

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