Thursday, November 24, 2016

To be able to flirt.

I occasionally flirt with depression. That’s it. No more. No less. A flirtation. By focusing on what’s going wrong in my life. Or in the world, for that matter. I understand. That certain stuff  tends to trigger negative thoughts. That could lead to depression.  The death of a loved one (such as a cat), for instance.  Or a tragic world event over which I have no control.  Or an illness, even a temporary one. Maybe the coming of winter when one isn’t quite ready for it. Oh, so many reasons for these flirtations.  Little things. Setbacks. Pitfalls. Call them what you will. That one allows to add up. So far, I’ve always found ways to counter. By shifting my focus. Back to multiple reasons to savor life. The good stuff. Feelings of being truly alive and conscious and in love. With someone or something.  Yes, to be able to flirt with the goodness of life. --Jim Broede

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