Friday, December 30, 2016

Long live Russia!

Call me pro-Russian. A Russian sympathizer.  A friend of Russia. Yes, that may put me on the same track with Donald Trump. He talks kindly of Russia. Especially of Russia’s president Putin. I like Putin, too. That puts Trump and I at odds with many American politicians. Who are very leery of Russia and Putin. Which means that some of Trump’s proposed pro-Russian cabinet members may be in trouble. With Congress. They may not win approval. Of course, that goes to show that Trump may be, in some respects, more liberal than conservative Republicans. If so, hurrah for Trump. I like Russian culture, literature, music, history, architecture and socialist-leaning politics. I’ve met some Russians. And they impress me.  As people worth knowing. I’m for a cordial relationship between Russia and the U.S. We have much in common. Not least being a love for life. And a mutual desire for a better world. Which could come about. If Russians and Americans set an example. By working together. For the common good. --Jim Broede

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