Friday, December 30, 2016

One of a strange kind.

Some people are far more strange. Than fabulous. Take Donald Trump. One of the strangest characters to ever live. So strange. It’s impossible to figure him out. Not sure that I’d call him fabulous. But no doubt, he’s very, very strange. Not the run-of-the-mill strange. But impulsively strange. Don’t know if that’s a criticism. Or a compliment. He might legitimately be called very crazy strange. In a sane world, Trump might be locked up. Put away. But we live in a strange and crazy world. Therefore, Trump fits in. He’s heralded as a hero. Elected president of the USA.  His fellow crazies call him the most powerful man in the world, politically speaking.  But still, I’m disinclined to call Trump fabulous. He’s loved and revered by some. Hated by others. And considered a buffoon. Which makes him entertaining. A comedian. A court jester. And a successful politician, too.  Yes, Trump is Trump. An odd blend of strangeness. One of a kind.  --Jim Broede

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