Saturday, January 7, 2017

A paradise without politics.

More and more. I am convinced. That I live in a world. Dominated by dirty and rotten and immoral politics. Over which 99 percent of us. Have virtually no understanding. And thereby, no control. Furthermore, those of us who enter the political arena. Are caught up. In a quagmire. Often referred to as a swamp. That politicians claim must be cleaned out. But that is no more than mere rhetoric. Because the swamp is filled with quicksand. That automatically pulls down and  consumes and destroys  anyone with good intentions. The corruption is so pervasive. That reform is impossible. Good intentions. Such as those of Barack Obama. Can get nowhere. That’s the futility of it all. One cannot succeed. In the realm of politics. Unless one’s intent is to be dirty and rotten and immoral. Yes, a very odd form of success. Because it amounts to failure. In what should be efforts to achieve the common good. Sad. Sad. That the common bad prevails. Forever. Unless we find a way. To escape the political world. And that is precisely what I am trying to do.  Please. Please, dear creator. Destroy the world of politics. So that we all can live free. In a paradise without politics. Where decency and the common good prevail. --Jim Broede

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