Wednesday, January 25, 2017

In fetching and loving ways

I have today. Of course, it would be nice to have forever. But that poses a danger. Of getting too far ahead of myself. In the process of planning for my many tomorrows, I might lose track of today. So important, to get the most out of now. And to postpone dealing with tomorrow. Until it finally arrives. In full glory. Yes, there’s something nice about living one day at a time. Putting my whole self into my daily endeavor. Naturally. Possibly with the discovery of a precious moment. That makes my day. Can’t say that every day is remarkable. But often enough. Especially at times when I’m in the right frame of spiritual and soulful mind. Anyway, I have no complaints.  As long as there is today and tomorrow. To keep me going. In fetching and loving ways.  --Jim Broede

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