Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Too busy laughing.

Me worry? Heck, no. I am learning to love the chaos in Washington. By looking at real life as a soap opera. With one preposterous plot after another. A cliffhanger every day. With a cast of characters. Directed by Donald Trump, the clownish impresario.  Sometimes, I tell myself this must be a put on. An entertaining surreal extravaganza. But here it is. Real life. With no set script. All of the actors improvise.  Spectacularly. They make it all up. Every day. Every moment. In an effort to dazzle, if not scare the audience. Not only the citizens of the United States of America. But the entire world. We’re all enthralled. Taken in. Hooked. Yes. Yes. America! The Greatest Show on Earth. Greater than a P. T. Barnum three-ring circus.  Indeed, I have no time to worry. About the plight of our nation. I’m too busy laughing. At the absurdity of it all. --Jim Broede

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