Monday, February 20, 2017

It works. Believe me.

A gentle reminder, folks. If you put someone in a nursing home. Show up every day. Be a protector and advocate. Don’t ever abandon anyone in a nursing home. It’s likely to lead to disaster. It’s inhumane. I’ve seen the abandoned. While caring for Jeanne.  I’ve tried to intervene. To become their advocates.  There are some good and  dedicated staff members. But there are employees who shouldn’t be there. Their hearts aren’t into it. It’s just another job. Of going through the motions. But some really do care. That’s the good and encouraging news. Life has down sides. But good sides, too.  I want good vibes. Morning, noon and night. That’s the most effective way to treat dementia.  You might think that some with dementia are totally out of it. They aren’t. They respond to good vibes.  Especially if the good vibes come from everyone. At the start, I had to fake it a little bit. But before I knew it, the good vibes had a positive effect on me, too. There was no more faking. I was a true believer. In good vibes therapy.  It works. It works. It works. Believe me. Every time I enter a nursing home. I practice. I turn it on. I love to take someone out.  For a walk. And if they can’t walk, I’ll push a wheelchair. Fresh air. Movement. It’s all part of my arsenal of good vibes. --Jim Broede

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