Friday, March 10, 2017

Better than going bonkers.

I like to think. Selectively. And not too much. Look at it this way. Thinking non-stop, and about the wrong things, can be dangerous. To one’s health. Mentally. And physically. Therefore, I practice taking control of my mind. Disciplining myself. So that I stay in a relatively good state of mind. Better to be optimistic. Rather than pessimistic. Keeps me from lapsing into depression. I don’t have to fake being happy. At least most of the time. I don’t deny myself sad and disappointing moments. But I rally fast. And find ways to get back on track again. Used to be that I angered too easily. Now anger is a rare event. I recognize that anger is self-defeating. Better to resolve matters before reaching the boiling point. I try to scare myself. Into being a good boy. My imagining that I’ve been turned into a Donald Trump. Completely unhinged. And stuck inside the White House. But then I get back to reality. And muse about who and what I’ve become. A romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a writer, a dreamer  and a lover. So much better. Than being cursed. And having to play the role of a man gone bonkers.  --Jim Broede

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