Friday, March 10, 2017

Please answer my question.

Give every American decent health care. No matter the cost. Primarily through a single payer system. Such as government-run Medicare. Which I have. I also have private supplemental insurance. To make up for whatever isn’t covered by Medicare. It’s affordable. For me. And I’m thankful to have it. As for people who can’t afford health insurance. I want the government to step in. And do the right thing. By guaranteeing health insurance. For everyone. It’s that simple. The Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) is a step in the right direction. By bringing 20 million previously uninsured Americans into the system. But Republicans are trying to repeal Obamacare. And replace it with a private-based free market system. That critics say will cost more and provide less care. I tend to agree with the critics who tell me it’s going to substantially increase the number of uninsured. Yes, a step back. Rather than forward. But that’s the way politics works.  For the common bad. Please tell me. Whatever happened to the common good? --Jim Broede

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