Sunday, March 12, 2017

One of us.

I’d hate to think that the creator saves only self-professed Christians. That leaves out Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus. Seems to me that wouldn’t be fair. And what about the trillions of other non-Christians on other planets in the infinite cosmos? And what about the others on Planet Earth, that lived and died before Christianity came into vogue? Pardon me. If I’m an optimist. And a positive thinker. Who believes in a kindly, compassionate, loving creator. Who saves everyone. Even our pets.  That’s the divine world I want to live in. Yes, that’s something worth believing in. My creator gives little credence to exclusive clubs. With rigid requirements for joining up. There are lots of nice and decent and worthy people in this world. Who aren’t Christians. But who live more noble lives than many Christians. They aren’t banned. Just because they didn’t take a pledge to Jesus as savior. Nothing wrong with taking the pledge. But there are other options. So very many religions. Living life itself is a religion. Takes a lot of faith to get through life. To feel the pulse beat of creation. That’s enough. That’s what my creator tells me. And I believe him. And please believe me. He’s a darn good guy. He's one of us. --Jim Broede

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