Tuesday, April 25, 2017

In a better world.

I don’t want to believe. What I’m seeing. The drift of the world. Into utter chaos. Politically. Every nation for itself. Nationalist movements galore. Everywhere.  America first. Britain first. France first. Russia first. Iran first. North Korea first. It’s an attitude. Let’s all go our independent ways. And to hell with the commonweal.  Yes, that scares me. I’m watching the disintegration of the world. Abandonment of the commonweal. Destruction for the sake of destruction. To be replaced by a new world order. Which really, is a return to the old, old world order. When nations fought each other.  Waged war. To protect their selfish interests. Of course, maybe I am getting it all wrong. And it’s more evolution than revolution. But hey, I feel as if this isn’t America any more. And now all that’s left. Is the waiting. For the inevitable. Waiting to die. That may be all that’s left. The next big event in my solitary life. Oh, I’m not expecting to die all that soon. I still have time left.  The opportunity for more precious moments.  I feel good. Physically. Mentally, too. But I wonder. About my emotions. And the state of the world. I’m 81. No doubt, I’ve lived the vast majority of my wonderful life. Pleased that I’ve lasted this long. But not quite so pleased with the state of the world.. All the more reason. To focus on the spiritual domain. In a better world. To come. Not here on planet Earth, of course. But in my carefully constructed Paradise. --Jim Broede

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