Thursday, April 6, 2017

The greatest threat

Two of the biggest dividers of mankind. Religion and politics. Every war we’ve had.  Has had either political or religious roots. Often both. We creatures of creation. Often can’t help ourselves. When it comes to resolving religious and political issues. We become too emotionally involved. Defending our faith.  And our politics. As for what came first. Religion or politics?  A little like asking. Was it the chicken or the egg?  Doesn’t really matter.  Because we won’t go to war over a chicken or an egg. But when the question focuses on the controversial subjects of religion and politics. Suddenly, it matters. When really it shouldn’t. We should be able to resolve our political and religious differences. And occasionally, we do. In a peaceful manner. But too often, it’s by war. By hateful skirmish. By taking no prisoners. By requiring everyone. To abide by the dictated rules. By falling in line. By marching in step. Of course, I try to have a tolerant and open mind. By going my way. Without forcing my way on others. A live and let live policy. I try to be kind and understanding and accepting of others.   I try to practice love. Even of my enemies.  But others. Around me. Keep proclaiming that I am wrong. A heathen. A dangerous political maverick. That only they know the truth. That it’s in the gospel. And that it’s time that I took their righteous path. To salvation. Or else I’ll be in big trouble. And I respond. That the greatest threat to an open and free society, is intolerance. --Jim Broede

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