Friday, August 11, 2017


I blame the people who voted for Donald Trump. For the political debacle wrought by Trump. Hard for me to feel kindly. Towards Trump. But my sour taste also applies to his supporters, including my sister and several friends. Makes me wonder how they could be so dumb. Of course, that’s not a nice thing to say.  Especially about people close to me. But I say it anyway. Because that’s the way I feel. Might as well not lie about it. I’d not intentionally break up the friendships over political matters. Though I take that risk. By telling them that they’ve made a big mistake. That Trump is a jerk and a good-for-nothing liar. That he could be the ruination of our nation.  Sorry about that, dear sister and friends. But I am compelled to speak out. Rather than remain quiet. –Jim Broede

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