Friday, August 25, 2017

My amazing goal.

Amazing. Amazing. Simply amazing. When I count the days. That I feel good. About life. And about myself. Of course, there are days. When I feel under the weather. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. But those days are few and far between.  Sure, I complain. About politics. And other vagaries. But that’s all right. Yes, another reason to feel good. Even when complaining. About something or other. You may have noticed. That I’ve been posting less in the past six weeks. Because I’m occupied. With my Italian true love. She’s been with me. Here in Minnesota. Since mid-July.  Maybe that’s why I’m feeling especially good. But I feel good even when she’s back in Sardinia. Because we are connected. Daily. On Skype. And by love notes. Amazing, isn’t it? How one can cultivate loving relationships. With the help of modern technology. Some tell me they prefer the olden days. When communication was a slower and more deliberate process. But I like it both ways. I consciously slow down the pace of living. In so very many ways. Because it’s important. To savor life. In slow and slower motion. To make the good things last. Perhaps forever. That’s my goal. --Jim Broede

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