Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A merry hypnotic adventure.

I’m learning how to hypnotize myself. Or so it seems. Don’t know if it’s true hypnosis. Or even if there is such a thing. But that’s all right. Whatever I’m doing. Makes me feel good. Relaxed. And mentally sharp.  More like what I want to be. If I leave my body. And become spirit. Maybe it’s a form of biofeedback. A way to trick myself. Out of a state of anxiety. And into bliss. No. No. I’m not on drugs.  It’s mind over matter. I’m on the Internet. Doing research. On hypnosis. The alleged experts. Tell me it’s not like what you see in the movies. Instead, they describe hypnosis as a natural state of selective, focused attention. And one of the most fascinating phenomena of the human mind. For me, it could well be the entry way to the spiritual realm. Yes. Yes. I’m on a merry hypnotic adventure. --Jim Broede

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