Thursday, October 26, 2017

New and awesome beginnings.

Maybe one should approach life as an endless series of new beginnings. Yes. That’s my thought. While pondering, at the ripe age of 82, that I’m much closer to the end of earthly life than to the beginning. But that ain’t necessarily so. As long as I’m in constant pursuit of new beginnings. Take the ever-changing nature of life. My life, in particular. I refuse to allow life to become static and rigid. Realizing that I’m not the same me of 10 or 20 or 30 years ago. In fact, I’m not the same guy that I was yesterday. I’m not stuck in a rut. I'm evolving. Though that may be open to dispute. I do pretty much the same things. Follow the same routine. Daily. Except when it comes to thinking. About life. I’m always looking for new twists. Or something never noticed before. Stuff that I overlooked. I muse and brood and reflect. In search of an elusive or totally new thought.  I don’t want life to be the same old, same old, same old. Give each of my days a new and awesome beginning, please. --Jim Broede

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