Saturday, October 28, 2017

We need protection.

I’m beginning to wonder. If we are living in an era. Of too much information. From which we are challenged to separate truth from fiction. An almost impossible task. Because the world is full of millions and billions of ignoramuses. I hate to say it.  Many of us are being manipulated. Duped. Into believing the lies. We end up lying to each other. But even worse, to ourselves. That may include me. Once upon a time. I thought of myself as smart, astute, intelligent, aware, well-informed.  But now I have descended. Into the ranks of the hopelessly confused.  Overwhelmed. No longer knowing. With certainty. Right from wrong. Indeed, it has become Hell on Earth, so to speak. I wake up. Before daybreak. Scared. As if I’m living in a nightmare. Wishing. Wishing. That there were no mass media.  For a time when we were protected from too much information. --Jim Broede

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