Friday, November 3, 2017

Unlike my father.

Growing up. In a dysfunctional family. Had long-term benefits. Helped me learn to cope with the setbacks of life.  I didn’t know. At the time. That my family was dysfunctional. Didn’t consciously learn that. Until I left. Went out into the world. And experienced normalcy. What a contrast! Taught me right from wrong. That it’s best to not be dysfunctional.  To find better ways. To live. To thrive. To be happy. My father was a habitual gambler. Lost lots of money. To unsavory characters. Debt collectors. My dad solved his problem. By committing suicide. The night he did it. He borrowed $2 from me. Makes me wonder. In a funny way. If he used the money to buy the rope. Doesn’t matter. Because long ago I learned to cope. With adversity. With the dysfunction around me. I’ve become very functional. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker.  A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. A writer. Unlike my father. I’m in love. With life. I want to live forever. --Jim Broede

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