Sunday, December 17, 2017

Makes one wonder.

I resent being given life. And then having it taken away. But maybe that’s wrong. Of me. I’d rather be given a choice. To be able to live as long as I want.  My decision. If I wanted to live 1,000 years. Or forever, for that matter. So be it. Same goes. If I decide to end it all tomorrow. Give me the full gamut of options. Could be. That’s the way it really is. When I die, the creator steps in and says, ‘Tell me, you little rascal, would you like to come back for more life? Or have you had enough?’ I’d give the thumbs up. And declare, ‘Please, send me back for more.’ Funny thing, though. I have a friend or two who would rather stay dead. Forever. Makes one wonder. If they’ve been around the circuit so many times – that they’ve become bored with life. Or find it too excruciating. --Jim Broede

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