Monday, January 15, 2018

In their favorite hue: Lillie white.

Trump supporters, such as my sister Babs, keep telling me, don’t be bothered. Over Trump being president. Learn to accept it. Gradually. Casually. Willingly. As a matter of fact. And get on with the rest of your bountiful life. They even suggest. Forget that Trump exists. Oh, yes, it’s easy for Babs and her ilk to give me such haughty advice. With a smirk. Over something that doesn’t bother them. Babs voted for Trump. She loves the guy.  He’s her hero. She hated Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton, too. Almost to the point that I detest Trump. Some Trump followers were keenly bothered. Having a black man in the White House. Trump has steadfastly accused Obama of being an illegitimate president. Claiming he was foreign born. And a Muslim, to boot. All lies, of course. Yes, Trump still supports a crazy conspiracy theory. To the delight of many of his racist-prone backers. They believe Trump’s lies. Meanwhile, consider my counter theory. Many are fearful. That white people will soon become the minority. Trump has called for America to accept more immigrants from white dominated countries, such as Norway. And fewer from the likes of black Haiti and Nigeria. Yes. Yes. It’s all so laughable. Often treated as a joke. But Trump and many of his supporter are sadly and badly serious. Sounding like white supremacists. And I’m not supposed to be bothered? Well, I am bothered. I am trying to do something about it. By telling the truth. About Trump and many of his soulless gang. They would have no qualms of conscience. Keeping the dominant complexion of America. In their favorite hue: Lillie white. --Jim Broede

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