Monday, January 15, 2018

For the everlasting good.

Donald Trump is one big scam. That’s the way I see our esteemed president. I refuse to take him seriously. He’s a joke. A put-on. With no credibility in the vast world of my inner sanctum. How he got this high on the  American political ladder remains a mystery. Trump is a real live character. With a history as a business tycoon. Whose claim to fame are lofty edifices called Trump Towers.  Trump also has drifted into show business. Anchoring a TV series known as ‘The Apprentice.’ In which Trump finds entertaining reasons to fire make-believe executives.  Trump has most recently evolved. Into a character known as ‘The Accidental President.’ One can only hope that the accident proves fatal. To Trump. Thereby making him disappear. For the everlasting good of humanity. --Jim Broede

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