Saturday, January 13, 2018

No middle ground anymore.

My dear sister Babs. And my dear friend Rosie. Either renounce Donald Trump. Or write me off as your friend. I can’t take Trump anymore. Or anyone that supports him. For whatever reason. Trump is the most vulgar man in the universe. I can’t take another day of him. Or his supporters. Trump is my definition of vulgar and obscene and indecent. He’s 100 percent vulgar. Fully. Completely vulgar. Trump represents the vulgar component of life. Absolutely nothing. Is more vulgar than Trump. I’m opposed to everything that’s vulgar. Count me as an unabashed and righteous opponent of everything Trumpian. He is to be abhorred. Detested. And it doesn’t bother me. If I’m being unfair in my judgment.  I can’t stand the vulgarity of the guy. I refuse to take it anymore. Even if that means writing off my dearest and closest friends. You are either with me or against me. There’s no middle ground anymore. --Jim Broede

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