Saturday, January 13, 2018

Out to beat the system.

The trains. In France. Run on time. And there’s no easier way to relax. Than to lean back. Close one’s eyes. And enjoy the motion of a train ride. Usually for two hours or so. I’ve mastered the art. Of not quite falling asleep. Staying barely awake. Knowing that I am in full control. And able to smile. Or smirk. Another plus. I am able to hold the hand. Of dear Cristina. My able protector. Furthermore, it’s Cristina that makes all of the arrangements. Buys the tickets. Sees to it. That we accomplish the odd requirement. Of having our tickets punched. By a machine. Prior to boarding. To avoid an extra fee. In case a conductor passes by. To check. Which rarely happens. Making me think. That we could sneak aboard. And ride for free. But the French look like honest people. A notch above. Americans and other foreigners. With devious, cheating  minds. Out to beat the system. --Jim Broede

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