Sunday, February 4, 2018

I'm not afraid.

Probably. I muse more than the rest of you. That’s my sense of it. I take time. To muse. Daily. But maybe others muse more than I. Only to keep their pondering private. I’m more open. Above board. Possibly because of my longtime profession. As a newspaper reporter. I wrote. For public consumption. I interviewed people. I asked questions. After all, I was being paid. To be curious. I’m retired now. But that hasn’t stopped me from being inquisitive. I want to know what’s on people’s minds. And in the process. I open up, too. To encourage others to follow. To voice themselves. To even address bothersome stuff. In a musing fashion. That’s an advantage. Of being a writer. It’s an obligation. One was born to muse. It’s a natural way. To communicate. With one’s self. And with others, too. It’s all right. To muse about anything. That comes to mind. Just to see. Where it goes. I think. My life. Has become an endless stream of musing. Silently. Quietly. But openly, too. I’m not afraid. To venture naked into the world. I have nothing to hide. --Jim Broede

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