Saturday, February 3, 2018

Knowing that I'm stupid.

The problem. As I see it. Is that as a society. We are not well-informed.  About political, economic and social issues. Mainly, because we don’t take the time to educate ourselves. We have better things to do. Just earning a living. And surviving. Taking care of our immediate needs. That’s sad. I used to be better informed. Before retirement. When I was employed. As a writer. For newspapers. My job was to write about pertinent issues. Not only to keep myself current. But the readers, too. Now I’m too lax. I don’t keep up with things. Not to the degree that I used to. A long time ago, I was able to run for the local school board. And be conversant on educational issues. Because that was my job. It isn’t anymore. And I wouldn’t dare run for school board. Simply because I’m not well-informed. Unfortunately, that’s a problem. Not only with me. But with many politicians. They don’t have a grasp of the issues. They are stupid. And often don’t know it. That makes them dangerous. At least, I know that I’m stupid. That’s the first step. In doing something about it. --Jim Broede

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