Thursday, February 1, 2018

Life ain't all that bad.

Mike made my day. Instantly liked him. As he walked up the driveway. With a beaming smile. Carrying a bucketful of tools. My old garage door had gone kaput. Thought maybe I’d have to spend $1,000.  On a new one. Mike surveyed the situation. ‘I can fix it,’ he declared confidently. Yes, no need for an expensive new door. What a relief. I watched a master handyman at work. ‘Mike, you’re a genius,’ I said. ‘If I can help, let me know.’ Of course, that would have been a blunder. An assist from a klutz.  Anyway, we engaged in amiable conversation. Mike is Filipino. Migrated to Minnesota 11 years ago. It was a rude and sudden awakening. Finding himself in the nation’s icebox. After leaving a country where every day is hot and humid. Hard to imagine.  Living there. As Mike did. Without air-conditioning. The thought of it brings sweat to my wrinkled brow. Asked Mike. How he’s adjusted to winter wonderland. A little bit at a time. Reminds himself. It isn’t cold year-round. Spring is around the corner. Hey, life ain’t all that bad. --Jim Broede

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