Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I'd rather play it safe.

I have no desire to be ‘better’ than other people. I’d rather be my true self. And sometimes that means being the inferior one. The one that plays second fiddle. Or doesn’t play at all. Maybe what I’m saying. I’d rather downplay the competitive nature of life. If I have to compete. Let it be against myself. Rather than against others. If I entered a marathon, my goal would be merely to finish the race. I wouldn’t mind being last. Just as long as I finished. But I’m afraid. That once I was in the race. And there was a guy ahead of me, I’d have the urge to pass him up. The competitive instinct would take over. Therefore, I’m better off. Not entering the race. Better to decide. To run a marathon. All by myself. Alone. So far, the best I’ve done. Is 13 miles. A half-marathon. That’s good enough. Once upon a time. I got on a treadmill. And did a 7-minute mile. Now I wouldn’t even try it. Knowing. I’d probably drop dead. Short of the finish line. That’s a discouraging thought. I’d rather play it safe. And stay alive. --Jim Broede

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