Friday, April 20, 2018

Without wasting a minute.

Much of the time, I think of life as wonderful. Rather be than not to be. But it’s also nice to shutdown. To go to sleep. To lapse into total unconsciousness  If for no other reason. Than to revitalize. The conscious mind. It’s a way of taking a break.  To quit thinking. For a while. It could be a curse. If one were  compelled to remain fully conscious. Around the clock. Without ever going to sleep. Yes, that could be a definition of Hell.  And why some people commit suicide. They prefer not being consciously alive. Perhaps the hell part comes. If the non-physical mind survives. And keeps thinking. Non-stop. Yes. Yes. That could be Hell. Non-stop thinking. Being conscious forever. Without escape. Not even a moment for sleep. I’m banking. On the assumption. That spirits have the ability to fall asleep. When they are tired. But then. Maybe spirits never become tired. They thrive. Without ever wasting a minute. --Jim Broede

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