Friday, June 15, 2018

Instigated. Just for the fun of it.

I wonder. How important it is. To be in full control of our lives. I suspect. We were put here. In difficult situations. Intentionally. Purposely. By our maker. That is, if we have one. To be fully-tested robots. Capable. Of functioning on our own. In dealing with unforeseen circumstances and events. In a hostile environment. Yes. Maybe that was why we were planted. On planets.  All over the infinite cosmos.  At least, that’s what I would do. If I were the creator. Of life forms. I’d want everything to be fully tested. Before I make a final commitment. To my grand scheme. Chances are. I’d end up. In an endless series of madcap experiments. Instigated. Just for the fun of it. –Jim Broede

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