Friday, June 15, 2018

Not knowing anything. For sure.

I make myself known. Mostly with words. Spoken and written. Strange, isn’t it? The moment I open my mouth. I enter a potentially dangerous world. So much depends. On the words. The thoughts that I utter. Yes. Yes. I’ve learned the power of words. They can attract friends and foes. Often, I don’t allow it to matter. I speak and write. Without caring. About the consequences and the benefits. I merely let the words roll off my tongue. To test the effect. To experiment. To develop the craft and art of communication. And I quickly learn. That we speak different languages.  Though we use the same words. They may have widely ranging meanings. So that an intended compliment can be misconstrued as an insult. Yes. Yes. I find that fascinating. Going through life. Not knowing anything. For sure.  --Jim Broede

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