Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Just for the fun of it.

‘Politics exist because people disagree about the aims and objects of human endeavor and, probably even more so, about the methods to be used in achieving them. Human beings differ enormously in temperament, in what they want from life and in their reactions to the numerous problems that they have to cope with. These differences produce different attitudes to public issues and lead to the activity of politics. Politics therefore involves conflict. This can result in violence, as in many of the developing countries, but in the Western democracies the differences are usually resolved peacefully.’

I googled. The nature of politics. And this is what I got. The key word is ‘conflict.’ I don’t understand. Why there needs to be conflict. I suspect. That somewhere in the infinite cosmos. There’s a thriving society. In which there’s no political conflict. If I were gawd. My highest priority.  Would be to create such a society. Just for the fun of it. --Jim Broede

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