Friday, June 29, 2018

The sad part.

I used to post. For many, many years. On the Alzheimer’s message boards. Got hooked there. When dear Jeanne had Alzheimer’s. And I became her care-giver. For 13 years. Conversing with other care-givers. Was mostly a pleasant experience.  But some care-givers were rather testy. And we rubbed each other the wrong way. That’s to be expected. When dealing with people under stress. Anyway, I stuck around. For 10 years. After Jeanne died. Trying to be helpful. By telling about the good life. That comes later on. When one fully recovers from the extraordinary care-giving experience. Makes some of us more decent and understanding human beings. But some active care-givers aren’t ready for that message. They want to know how to get by in the next moment. Now. Now. Now. I don’t have a sure-fire answer. Depends on the individual. We’re all different. Some make a go of it. Others fall by the wayside. Yes, that’s the sad part of it. --Jim Broede

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