Friday, June 29, 2018

Please. Let me be hunky-dory.

I am fully able. To feel. That life is hunky-dory. Yes, I prefer the word hunky dory. Over satisfactory or fine. Hunky-dory has a special connotation. In my vocabulary. Hunky dory, by the way, has a Japanese origin. That speaks well. For the Japanese. Used to be. That when people asked how I am. I’d automatically declare, ‘Fine.’  Without giving it a thought. Even if I had to lie. Out of polite habit. Then. Suddenly. Hunky dory came to mind. Figuring. That’s a more accurate term. Being merely fine. Is grossly inadequate.  Maybe there’s a better word than hunky-dory. But for now.  Please. Please. Let me be hunky-dory. --Jim Broede

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