Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Help me. I must not panic.

I can hardly believe the world. In which I am living. The world has changed. Dramatically. During my lifetime. Especially in the last two or three decades. I can’t keep up with it all. I’m being left behind. Overwhelmed. By the change. Political. Social. Economic. Virtually everything. I have absolutely no control over it. Other than to go along. Blindly. Or exit. And withdraw. Into my hallowed cocoon. Turns out. Really. I have no choice. I can’t keep up with the modern pace. With the twists and turns. With the speed and wherewithal. So necessary. To adapt in a complicated ever-changing technological age. I’d have to be born again. Start from scratch. To learn it all. That’s how much. Time has passed me by. I’ve adopted a new writing style. To express my alarm. My uneasiness. With what’s going on. Fact is. I don’t know anything. Anymore. Help me. i must not panic. --Jim Broede

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