Sunday, November 4, 2018

Let it not be too late.

More than Donald Trump. I blame the people who voted for him. Namely my friend Rosie. And my sister Babs. They aren’t strangers. I know both of ‘em. We’re supposed to love each other. But when it comes to politics. I can’t stand them. I abhor what they are up to. If we were living in another era. Let’s say, in Nazi Germany. And they staunchly supported Hitler and the persecution of Jews, I’d feel the same way about them. I’d be stunned. And disappointed. Almost beyond belief. That’s how I feel. About unabashed Trumpians. That they happen to be a friend. Or even a blood relative. Doesn’t matter. After all, it’s the likes of them. That helped turn the world upside down.  And created a Living Hell. I wish to gawd. That it weren’t so. But then again. Maybe I should be blaming myself. For not working hard enough. To stymie Donald Trump.  Please. Please, dear gawd.  Let it not be too late. On Tuesday, we must vote out Republicans. –Jim Broede

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