Monday, November 5, 2018

There's no stopping me.

I see a world. Divided. Between the nice people. And the not-so-nice. Maybe that’s an over-simplification. I apply it in all walks of life. Political. Economic. Social. You name it. Yes. Yes. It’s a personal judgment. And sometimes I’m being unfair. But that’s the way it is. My intent, however, is to be fair. I have models to follow. I could name them. Though I’m not going to do that here. Because I am easily disillusioned. Disappointed. Someone may suddenly lose hero status. I am constantly evaluating. And reevaluating. Depending on who’s nice or not-so-nice. At the moment. I even consider myself. As capable of being not-so-nice. After all, I have an abiding conscience. I occasionally admit being wrong. Generally, I stand by my principles.  By the stuff and experience that has made me what I am. A romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer.  A writer, too. So that I can put my thoughts. Into my own words. Yes.  Yes. There’s no stopping me. Scary as that may sound.--Jim Broede

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