Sunday, January 27, 2019

A keen understanding of idiocy.

Give me credit. For being brave and daring enough. To try. Understanding whatever it is. That lies beyond understanding. The danger, of course, is in knowing too much. More than we were ever intended to know. Therefore, creation has become out of control. Chaotic as chaotic can be. And there’s no telling. Where we may end up. Or perhaps. We were designed. To eventually take control.  Full possession of the world. In which we find ourselves. Indeed, that could be the nicest or most dangerous outcome.  Especially when we are allowed to improvise. To fine tune/manipulate everything. Around us.  To our natural liking. Fact is. That’s the precise problem.  Because we were created. In the role of full-fledged idiots. That’s me, folks. I know it. But many of you don’t. I’m the one with a keen understanding of idiocy. Yes, give me credit. --Jim Broede

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