Wednesday, January 9, 2019

By getting on with life.

Primary goals in life. I have several. And near the top of my list. I’ve put get rid of Donald Trump. Oh, I don’t mean to do him any physical harm. But I want to find ways. To edge him out of power. Especially in the political realm. From my obviously biased perspective, Trump is, by far,  the worst president we’ve ever had. I can’t stand to look at him. He turns my stomach. Just the thought of him. Makes me want to puke. Yes. Yes. It would be wise of me to go in for psychotherapy. To better control my emotions. I acknowledge. I’m not being fair. By probing deep enough, maybe one could find in Trump a scant scent of a redeeming trait. Yes. Just maybe. No certainty. I think of Trump as the epitome of evil. Of everything bad. The last person I’d want as a friend. Could be. That if Trump knew me. He’d cast me. As the  evil one. And yes, he would be right.  I don’t like this side of  me. But here it is. I am compelled to tell the truth. About how I feel about Donald Trump.  At the moment. I don’t want to go into the details. I’d rather relax. And channel my thoughts. Into a more positive realm. I’m alive and well. Fully capable of blocking out Trump and the bad side of life.  For the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow, too. Yes. Yes.  I need relief. By getting on with my remarkable life. –Jim Broede

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