Friday, January 11, 2019

Don't give me the modern world.

Keeping up with the times.  Can’t do it. Never had the desire. I’d rather not keep up. It’s all right. If I’m caught up. In the same old staid ways. Living an insufficient life. When measured by modern standards, that is. Getting caught up in the rat race. Would scare me to death. Better to stay around on my own terms. I’d be dead now. Rather than 83, and counting. I still have a verve for life. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! I’m my own man. A survivor. Independent, too. Not required to be tied to the rest of the world. I’ll settle for being sidetracked. In my journey through life. Staying where I am. At this precise moment. And calling it Paradise. That’s all I need. Don’t give me the modern world. --Jim Broede

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