Saturday, January 5, 2019

Faster than the speed of light.

I know. There’s an explanation. For why. Time seems to go faster. Now that I’m in my 80s. Than it did. In my adolescent years. Yes, it’s an illusion, of sorts. Like when a long-playing tape. Speeds up at the end. Boom. All of a sudden. It’s over. Wish that weren’t so. Seems like. In a snap of the fingers. The year is over. And we’re into the New Year. I suppose that’s fine. As long as the years keep coming. It helps, of course. If I don’t count. But that does no good. Because others remind me. That it’s 2019. And I was born in 1935. Maybe I should be euphoric. Having survived. Hale and hearty. And able to notice. The speed of time. Almost feels faster than the speed (186,000 miles per second) of light. --Jim Broede

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