Monday, February 18, 2019

My goal: Doing less than others.

A cold. A simple cold. Sneezing. A runny nose. That’s all it takes. To throw me off stride. To ruin my day. I crave. To always feel. In tip-top shape. My internal engine. Running in perfect rhythm.  Yes, I have a nasty cold. No valid reason to complain. But still I do. Reminds me of the fast-approaching future. Growing old. The thought. That there’s far worse than a mere cold to come. To my physical and mental being. Think of it. I dread ever feeling miserable and wretched.  Dread diminishes my life in the now. Anticipation.  Imagining worst case scenarios. The primary source of anxiety. Getting ahead of one’s self.  Living a phase of life. Before it happens. I suspect. We all do it. To some degree.  But maybe I do it. More than others. I know precisely what I must do. Yes. Yes. Less than others. --Jim Broede

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