Saturday, August 11, 2007

...being married to a goddess.

I think unconditional love is cultivated. It’s not something that occurs instantaneously. It took me the better part of a lifetime to feel unconditional love for Jeanne. It took shared experiences. And a gradual building of trust. Finally, I understood that Jeanne was my soul mate. And in the end it came down to understanding the singleness of purpose in my life. Nothing became more important than caring for Jeanne. Loving Jeanne. Unconditionally. I became consciously aware that this was my mission in life. And so I focused on it. I loved daily. And I lived in the moment. I stopped worrying about tomorrow. I lived today. For Jeanne. And for myself. To be with Jeanne. To get my sustenance from Jeanne. And to give Jeanne everything I had. By caring. By loving. And it felt, oh, so very good. Still does. I still love Jeanne. In spirit. In the depths of my soul. Jeanne, more than anyone or anything, made my life worthwhile. Because Jeanne made me feel love. Real love. True love. Jeanne made me feel alive. Yes, it’s almost as if Jeanne was a goddess. That’s what pure love feels like…being married to a goddess. --Jim Broede

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