Saturday, August 11, 2007

God is a good conversationalist.

Whenever I have any doubts over what I should do in a particular situation, I generally strike up an imaginary conversation with god. Or at least that’s the way it starts. In my imagination. But usually, it ends up feeling real. Like I’m in direct contact with god. And god tells me he welcomes dialogue. And that makes me feel good. Like god is my friend, my buddy. My confidante. And I try to be objective and polite and respectful in the conversations. I tell god the truth, as I see it. Exactly what I’m feeling. And then I listen intently, to see if god is sending me a message. And invariably he tells me to do the kind thing, the loving thing. And that if it involves other people, I’m supposed to give the others the benefit of the doubt. And not to be too judgmental. My conversations with god can come at almost any time. But mostly they occur when I’m walking, when I’m beginning to fall asleep and just after I wake. When I’m most relaxed. Maybe that’s a good time to strike up a confab with god. Maybe god is putting me at ease. So that my mind and spirit are better able to grasp the gist of things. And lately, dear Jeanne has been my conduit to god. It’s as if Jeanne is my goodwill ambassador to paradise. Jeanne tells me god is real. That it’s very easy to feel his presence in the spiritual realm, where she has lived since last January. Jeanne also tells me she has a stunning view of all of creation from her perch in paradise…and that god is a good conversationalist. --Jim Broede

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