Thursday, August 16, 2007 we deal with personal tragedies in our lives.

Think about it. Deborah is exploiting personal tragedies in her immediate family life into books. She’s already written “Into the Mist,” about her personal coping and dealings and experiences with dreaded Alzheimer’s and now she’s announced that she’s taking time out to write a book about suicide. It’s not like she’s trying to keep secret her highly personal encounters with Alzheimer’s and suicide. They’ve been a big part of her life. And she’s been promoting herself and her self-published book. And she’s let it be known there’s another to come. Seems to me what Deborah wants is to reserve this domain – public talk of suicide and our personal experiences with it – for herself. In the way she wants it handled. And she doesn’t want any interference from me. She doesn’t want me to challenge some of her assumptions. Well, if she’s going to be an author and a self-styled expert on the subjects of Alzheimer’s and suicide, she had better get used to critics – that is, critics that occasionally challenge her points of view. Rather than just endorsements from friends and family members. Deborah should be willing to publicly debate issues pertaining to suicide. Hey, Deborah has had no reluctance to take me on in the public domain (various message boards and blogs) and even question my character and integrity publicly. And now she’s crying foul? Give me a break. I have as much grounds for a lawsuit as does Deborah. Which ain't much. My blog gives me an outlet through which I can take on Deborah and deal with the issues in a relatively free and open manner. I’m expressing opinions. And I’m not maligning or defaming Deborah’s character. I’m trying to debate the issues of Alzheimer’s and suicide, and the ways we deal with these highly personal tragedies in our lives –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Jim you have hit an all time low. You consider yourself a lover, a good forgiving person. Yet you keep trying to hurt some people.
Just yesterday you posted on the Alz site:
Posted August 15, 2007 10:54 AM
Have you folks noticed? I think my behavior on the message boards could be described as improved. Better. And I think that has something to do with my blog. Where it's easier to speak my mind. Where I can have upbeat broodings and freedom of expression. I want to thank those of you that have plugged in. In the first week, we've had 1,200 hits, and counting. So, we're off to a good start. I want to thank everyone who has visited the blog, and especially those who have contributed by posting helpful and nice comments. --Jim

My Blog:
Jim Broede

In truth the reason for you "improved behavior" is because you can't make posts like this on that site. You already had a 2 week vacation.

although it is nice that anyone coming to your blog does get to see the "Real Jim" most of us already know. Now new people can also see as your true colors shine

Broede's Broodings said...

Some people and baseball teams (the Chicago Cubs) leave me highly disappointed. Not depressed. Just disappointed. Makes me lose faith, I guess. I’m sure happy that I’m a writer. That I’m able to brood. To think. To meditate. Hey, I like being me. I wouldn’t trade me for anybody. So, I’m gonna spend the day being me. Can’t do better than that. -- Real Jim

Anonymous said...

Jim, you need to get laid.
You're wasting wwwaaayyy too much energy on this.
Maybe Rosie and Cherie can give you a hand.

Anonymous said...

Jim, you brought some of the posts back from the dead. What ever happened to the one that questioned your life, family. Marianne "Kiki as you informed they she is called, and her husband Robert. How about Jack Meline. Your grandchildren Erikka (Chris) Anderson, Josh Karasz, Ryan and Brittany Kelley. Close knit family?? I remember you posting "kiki" wanted you to come there for a visit. Was it a nice visit? You never really mention Jeanne's sister.
What state you grew up in, your dear father. You mention moving to denver from where??
You seem to want us all to share others lives...... please share yours. It may make interesting reading because repeating sux and we all have read all these posts for way too long

So please share Your life (the parts we haven't heard)

Anonymous said...

Who is this person who has your panties in a bunch? Rediculous.

Anonymous said...

To debate Alz.

Your words Jim:
I speculate that Jeanne’s behavior is influenced by her environment. No stress. Or low-stress. Pleasant. Soothing. Nice soft music. Soft lighting. Lots of fresh air. Outdoors every day. My presence. Frequent praise. Declarations of love. Displays of affection. Upbeat stuff. Positive interaction. I want Jeanne to feel relaxed. Comfortable. Secure. Protected. I work on building Jeanne’s self-esteem, and confidence. I tell Jeanne that I love her a bushel and a peck and all to heck. And she understands. She laughs at such declarations. And she smiles when I give her goodnight kisses. I sometimes count the ways that Jeanne is better. And that boosts my morale. Better is better is better. Yes, Jeanne is relearning. Relearning social skills. Bit by bit by bit. Anyway, it adds up. --Jim

Social skills are the last to go. Ones with Alz can not learn new things. Proven. (look it up)
There are a number of conditions that have symptoms similar to those of dementia. Some vitamin deficiencies and hormone disorders, depression, medication clashes or overmedication, infections, brain tumors. Not Alz. Alz being the most common, you have Vascular, Parkinson, Lewy bodies, huntington, alcohol (Korsakoffs syndrome ) related, frontotemporal, Creutzfeldt-jacob

So could you enlighten us on "how" she became better? Medications?

Just a start

Broede's Broodings said...

I have a thick skin and an open mind, folks. Keep your comments coming. I prefer the ones that are polite and courteous. But hey, I read 'em all. And they all have been taken under advisement. And thanks for your participation. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

WELL WELL no answers AGAIN

LOL LOL i WON THE BET!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if someone came here and posted that you were a wife beater or spent time in prison. Anyone can say anything but it doesn't make it true.
YOU jumped into this little project of yours with an agenda. The agenda was and is to take pot shots at people who were not impressed with you elsewhere.
So I guess your suggestion that you are not trying to defame Debra is just so much more crap.
Every thing you say is measured, munipulative and hateful. You stop short of the truth and twist it until something written from the heart becomes something done for "expoitation". Of all the nerve. It takes a hateful person to attack others for no other reason than personal enjoyment.
By the way her book is amazing.
What have you done lately?
Still I doubt you have hit bottom. The great thing is I have a choice about coming here and I've seen enough to know this is nothing but a modern day rag.
I wonder if you wife was even sick. Hell for all I know you were never married. The lady covered in cats could be your sister for all we know (or care). I googled you to read of your writing career. It seems you covered school board meetings. Whooooooooa Nobel Prize here! LMAO

Broede's Broodings said...

Anonymous commented, "Well, well, no answers again."

And my reply is, "Well, well no identity again."

Maybe you readers have noticed. The comments section of my broodings have been more or less dominated by negative thinkers. And for the most part, they choose to remain anonymous. Can’t blame them for that. I wouldn’t want to attach my name to salacious remarks either. It’s easy to criticize when one hides his/her identity. The point is, some of these folks have axes to grind. And I could show that, I suspect, if they had the courage to use their names. –Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
WELL WELL no answers AGAIN
Anonymous said...
WELL WELL no answers AGAIN
Anonymous said...
WELL WELL no answers AGAIN
Anonymous said...
WELL WELL no answers AGAIN

Anonymous said...

And, I am NOT the anonymous that wrote it the first time. I just copied and pasted it.

Broede's Broodings said...

Seems to me you are getting answers. But answers you don't like. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jim Broede
You began this blog with stories of people you have crossed paths with in the Alzheimer’s Association message forum. For reasons known only to you those stories were fabricated and put out to the public to present us as we are not.

You described my book, Into the Mist, as exploitive of my family and my time spent trying to help other care givers as self-promotion. You attempted to hurt me in the most reprehensible way imaginable, by writing about my family member’s suicide and further describing details which were untrue and driven by some anger toward me which I do not and cannot understand.

My book was my way of giving back to those who had helped me better understand what was happening to my father when his life was tossed upside down by Alzheimer’s disease.
Through the early days of total chaos and the long journey through the stages my friends in the Mass. General online support room gave me strength and courage and I wanted to do the same for whomever found themselves walking the Alzheimer’s care giver path.

Over the course of several years I gathered together researchers, Geriatric Specialists, care givers, Alzheimer’s patients and a Psychologist to help me build a body of work that would have information and heart, wisdom and a bit of a map through the mist.
It was indeed self published. With three thousand dollars of my own money I did all I could to get it to press quickly. By doing so the book was available long before it would have been. As a result my part of each book sold is less than $2.00. Obviously I was not motivated by money.

For a brief moment in time I let your cutting words, insults and word twisting affect my view of the work I have done, my brother’s death and even question whether I would continue to be a part of the Alzheimer’s Association message board.

Thanks to my many friends who saw what was happening with your blog and who helped me understand that there was no need or purpose to be served by interacting with your writings I left it behind.

I am posting this today because as long as your blog exists there will be people who do not know me or my book or my life who may believe the things you have written.
In closing I say to you your words do not define me. Your accusations no longer bring me pain and I wish you peace and God’s grace.

I thank God all I have been given, for the time I had with my loved ones and for the genuine and amazing friends I have met along this path.

Deborah Lynn Uetz